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Are Pesticides In Food Making Your Pain Worse?

Pesticides In Food

​Most of us have been consuming pesticides in food for years. Is it good? Absolutely not. Even though these pesticides may be deemed as safe for human consumption, it does not mean it is devoid of negatives.

It just means that the risk of side effects is relatively low, nonetheless, people will still experience some.

​Is there a better option? Yes, there is; organic food.

However, as strange as it sounds, organic markets are still in the minority, and many people simply do not have access to organically grown foods. If you experience chronic pain, there is a chance the pesticides in food may be responsible. 

How do these pesticides in food make pain worse? Read on and find out.


Neurological Pain

Many pesticides work on the nervous system of the pests they target, disrupting essential functions in those organisms.

However, the problem arises when these effects manifest in the people eating them as well. One of the ways this occurs is as nerve pain- pain which is very real, but highly intractable since nerves connect inextricably throughout the body.

So, the pain you may feel in your foot may be originating at anotherpoint of the body altogether. When joint and nerve pain occur simultaneously the effects are much worse than either alone. It can be mild, resembling diabetic nerve pain (or general tingling) to severe and requiring the use of medication.

Pesticides May Cause Lupus

​Though lupus has much more going on in terms of possible causes, pesticides in food are a highly possible cause.

Lupus is characterized by inflammatory areas of the skin and is considered auto-immune. Pesticides are known to stimulate the immune system for premature responses, attacking the skin being one of the targets as well.


Lupus can also manifest symptoms such as inflamed joints, allergic reactions, and GI disturbances.

Pesticides Promote Inflammation

​The way many pesticides work is by accelerating oxidation in an organism. This excessive oxidation in turns causes inflammatory processes that ultimately break down organ structures.

Think of nerve gases; though they are outlawed and people scarcely hear about them, one way they work is by breaking down organs from within.

They do work by other means as well, but that is not the topic for discussion. Plus, many pesticides are oil soluble, so they do not have a hard time to cross cell membranes in the body.

They May Lead To Rheumatoid Arthritis

​This is the type of joint inflammation that comes about as a result of immune cells unwittingly attacking the support structure of the joints.


Rheumatoid arthritis is extremely hard to manage, as it requires long term use of medication that suppresses the immune system, as well as pain medication, which comes with its own host of side effects.

Rheumatoid arthritis may strike any joint, not just the main load bearing ones, making it especially troublesome.

Pesticides May Promote Cancer Risk

​Though not a given, pesticides have been associated with a higher than normal risk of cancer. If you or someone close to you has ever had a brush with cancer, you would know that it results in a lot of chronic pain.

Though the pesticides aren’t exactly causing the pain in this case, it does play a hand in the development of the condition that causes the pain.

​Combating The Pesticide Threat

​It is nearly impossible to eliminate the threat posed by pesticides in food, on your experience of pain, but you can do things to reduce your exposure load.



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