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10 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Dehydrated!

Body Is Dehydrated

When it comes to the content of the human body, water takes up 2/3 of our body weight. Water is necessary for life, without water the body tolerates no more than a few days. Looking at the water content, water is important for every part of the body, every cell, tissue depends on water. Water is important for the body because it supports body fluids, regulates body temperature, lubricates the eyes and joints, protects tissues, spinal cord, and joints, removes toxins, improves digestion, monitors calorie intake and maintains skin health , and prevent diabetes.

Hydration is very important because when the body lacks water, it does not function properly. You can improve your hydration level by consuming water and water-rich foods.

In situations where the body loses weight, for example, during exercise, diarrhea, vomiting, frequent urination, diabetes, or excessive sweating lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body that lead to dehydration and interfere with body functions.

It is extremely important for your health to know how to recognize symptoms when your body is dehydrated:

1.Headaches and dizziness
The lack of water in the body can affect the fluid that surrounds the brain and protects against soft strokes and movement. The dehydrated body does not have sufficient blood flow to the brain, so the oxygen supply decreases. A recent study, published in the Clinical Neurology Manual, says that one of the possible causes of a migraine and tension-type headaches may be insufficient water in the body. So, the next time you are going to reach a painkiller, you should drink a glass of water. If the cause of a headache was dehydration, the headache will soon disappear.


2.Bad breath and dry mouth
The growth of bacteria in the mouth can be caused when the mouth is dry, and the body can not produce enough saliva. This leads to dry mouth and bad breath.

3.Constipation and other digestive problems
Water is responsible for the lubrication of the digestive system and participates in the purification part. With the right amount of water, stools occur regularly, and constipation never happens. But when the body lacks water, the stool becomes hard, which leads to constipation. Also, a lack of water activates heartburn and indigestion.

4.Brain Fog
The lack of water in the brain can adversely affect your decision-making, mood, and memory. Moreover, dehydration can lead to forgetfulness and difficulty in focusing, thinking and communicating known symptoms of the fog of the brain. A 2013 study published in Clinical Autonomic Research, dehydration, along with fatigue, lack of sleep and prolonged standing, is one of the most common triggers of brain fog.

5.Reduces urination and changes the color of urine
Normal state to go to the bathroom with pauses for a few hours. When you do not go to the toilet every few hours, it’s a sign that there is not enough water on your body. Normal urination should occur 4 to 7 times a day, which is less than indicating that there is no water in your body (If  it’s more: learn about diabetes).

Urination is a natural way of removing toxins from the body. The changed color of urine means that you do not consume enough water when your urine is dark, she tells you that your body is dehydrated.


6.Food Figurines
You are not always hungry when experiencing food carving. Sometimes your body tries to tell you that it needs water. Next time do not grab those snacks, but instead, drink a glass of water. When the body is dehydrated, it sends messages to the brain, instead of drinking, the brain recognizes as carved figures for eating.

7.Pain in the joints and muscles
Joints and cartilage consist of 80% water, and if the body needs water, the bones begin to grind each other, thereby causing joint pain. A 2008 study published in the journal Applied Physiology showed that the amount of water is crucial for modulating hormonal and metabolic responses to resistance exercises.

8.Accelerated heart rate
The research form 2014 showed that dehydration has a negative effect on performance. For each change in body weight by 1% caused by dehydration, the heart estimates changes on average of 3 beats per minute. Lack of water can also lead to low blood pressure and rapid heartbeat due to additional stress on the body. This can cause panic and anxiety.

9.Dry skin and lips
To keep the skin in good condition and elastic, it needs a certain amount of water. A low water level can lead to a decrease in sweating, which means that the body is not able to remove oil and dirt accumulated in the pores or on the skin. Dry lips are a sign that your body is dehydrated.

Lack of water in the body can cause low blood pressure and reduce oxygen supply in the body, including the brain. It is known that insufficient amount of water in the body leads to drowsiness, fatigue, and lethargy. In addition, when a person is dehydrated, the body is subjected to additional stress, and he has to work harder to ensure proper blood circulation, transportation of nutrients and respiration, which leads to fatigue. ( it’s also about diabetes)


Some Tips How to prevent dehydration:

  • Drink enough water and various liquids every day.
  • Start your day with a large glass of water and drink one huge glass before each feast.
  • Install the update on your phone if you have a tendency to neglect to drink.
  • Continue to transfer the bottle of water, no matter where you are going.
  • Stay away from alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, and refreshing drinks, which are known to cause dryness.
  • Continually consult a doctor if you are very thirsty, unstable, no urination for more than 8 hours, and a fast and weak heartbeat.
  • If you accidentally encounter vomiting, rash, and fever, increase fluid intake to reduce dehydration.


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