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Top 7 Tips for Preventing Food Poisoning

Food poisoning

​Food Poisoning Also known as foodborne illness, this fast-moving illness is caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites, or the toxins they produce.

Typical symptoms of Food Poisoning include nausea, vomiting,

 fever, abdominal pain and cramps, and watery diarrhea.While most cases of food poisoning are mild and resolve themselves, some require hospitalization. 

Regardless of the severity, it is no fun having it.

How To Avoid Food Poisoning?

  1. 1Cleanliness.Wash hands, utensils and food surfaces with hot soapy water before food handling or preparation.
  2. 2​Prevent cross-contamination. This commonly happens when juices from raw meat, poultry, fish or shellfish stored above fresh fruits or vegetables or ready-to-eat food drips down and contaminates it and will cause food poisoning. Raw foods should always be on the bottom.
  3. 3Cook foods to a safe temperature. Don’t rely on how a cooked food looks; use a food thermometer. These foods should have an internal Fahrenheit temperature of poultry – 165; ground beef – 160; pork and seafood – 145.
  4. 4Promptly refrigerate or freeze leftover food. Food should never be left out over two hours after purchasing or cooking. And if the room temperature is above 90 F, that time should be cut to no more than one hour.
  5. 5Defrost food properly. Never defrost food by leaving it out at room temperature. The safest way is to allow food to defrost slowly in your refrigerator. If you need to defrost something quickly, use the “Defrost” or “50%” setting on your microwave and then cook immediately.
  6. 6Store food at the proper temperature. Food kept in the refrigerator should be at 40 degrees F; frozen food at 0 degree F.
  7. 7When in doubt, throw it out. If you are unsure if food is safe or not, throw it out. None of us like to waste food, but it is better than getting sick or have food poisoning.

Foods To Avoid For Preventing Food Poisoning

​Food poisoning can be serious and even life-threatening for certain groups of people.

The young and old, along with pregnant women and anyone with a compromised immune system, should avoid these foods:


​Final Thought About Food Poisoning

​Finally, don’t let your guard down when traveling. Keep foods cold by using coolers, insulated bags, ice packs, and portable refrigerators.

If not possible to wash your hands before eating, at least use a hand sanitizer containing at least 62% alcohol. Use all of the tips in this article to minimize the risks of getting Salmonella or other Food Poisoning.

When it comes to food, you can never be too careful.


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