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41 Home Insurance Savings Tips

home insurance saving tips

By a Home Insurance, your dwelling is often the most precious asset that you need to protect. We created a list of all savings opportunities associated with Home insurance.

This list is the most complete perspective on home insurance savings tips. Numerous insurance brokers contributed to this list. So, let’s start!

1. Change Your Content Coverage

Renting a Condo? You can often lower your content coverage. No need to insure your belongings to up to $250,000 if you only have a laptop and some IKEA furniture!

2. Renovations

Renovating your house can result in lower home insurance premiums, as home insurance premiums for older, poorly maintained dwellings are usually higher.

Additionally, renovating only parts of your dwelling (e.g. the roof) can lead to insurance savings.


3. Pool

Adding a swimming pool to your house will likely lead to an increase in your insurance rates since your liability ( e.g. the risk of someone drowning) and the value of your house have increased.

4. Pipes

Insurers prefer copper or plastic plumbing – maybe it is a good idea to upgrade your galvanized / lead pipes during your next renovation cycle.

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