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Kale Nutrition Facts

kale nutrition facts

​Among of Kale nutrition facts: kale is the most nutritious and healthy plants in existence.

Fully loaded with a wide variety of beneficial compounds, it’s a super healthy green that even has some medicinal properties.

In this article we talk about five Kale nutrition facts:

Kale Nutrition Facts #1: Counteract Aging And Diseases

​Kale is loaded with strong and powerful antioxidants which help to counteract oxidative damage. What is oxidative damage?To put it simply, oxidative damage is the leading cause of aging and several diseases, even cancer. That’s not all antioxidants can do; certain antioxidants, like flavonoids kaempferol and quercetin, have the power to have heart-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, blood pressure-lowering, anti-viral, and anti-depressant effects.

kale nutrition facts cooked olive-oil pepperfood

Kale Nutrition Facts #2: Incredibly Healthy

​To start with, kale only has 33 calories, three grams of protein, and six grams of carbs (two of those six are fiber) in one serving (one cup).


Let’s break down of kale nutrition facts in that small cup of it:

  • 9% of your daily value of calcium.
  • 10% of your daily value of copper.
  • 9% of yo.ur daily value of potassium.
  • 6% of your daily value of magnesium.
  • 206% of your daily value of vitamin A.
  • 9% of your daily value of vitamin B6.
  • 134% of your daily value of vitamin C.
  • 684% of your daily value of vitamin K.
  • It also contains 3% or more of your daily value of vitamins B1, B2, and B3 as well as iron and phosphorous.

There’s also very little fat in it. A large portion of the fat that is in it is alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. All of this makes kale one of the most nutrient-dense foods around. The more you eat, the more nutrients will be in your diet.

Kale Nutrition Facts #3: Help Lower Cholesterol

​It contains bile acid sequestrants, which are known to lower cholesterol. Due to the reduction of cholesterol levels, this could lead to a lower risk of heart disease over time. According to Healthline, “One study found that drinking kale juice every day for 12 weeks increased HDL (the ‘good’) cholesterol by 27% and lowered LDL levels by 10%, while also improving antioxidant status.”

Kale Nutrition Facts #4: Help You Ward Off Cancer

​It is full of compounds that are thought to ward off cancer.

Sulforaphane, for example, has been proven to fight the formation of cancer at the molecular level. Indole-3- carbinol is another compound found in it that is also known to help prevent cancer.Several studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables, like kale, can significantly lower the risk of multiple cancers.

However, it’s important to note that the evidence with humans is mixed.


Kale Nutrition Facts #5: ​Provide You With Much-Needed Minerals

​It is high in some of the most common minerals of which people are deficient. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium and low in oxalate. Among kale nutrition facts: help with bone health, protect you against type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and can help reduce blood pressure and have a lower risk of heart disease.

The lower oxalate level helps with nutrient absorption, as oxalate can work to prevent this.It is a nutrient-rich plant that should be a healthy part of everyone’s diet. This dark green is rich in many minerals, vitamins, and nutrients we humans need to be healthy. 

It’s a very diverse plant and can be cooked a number of ways and can work to prevent many diseases, even cancer.So, what are you waiting for? Head on down to your local farmers’ market or grocery store and snag you some of it today to start down a path to a healthier you.


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